Embark on a profound inward journey of Meditation, Affirmations, Yogic-breath, and Awareness to empower
self-healing and self-transformation at all levels of life


Meditation is a journey from activity to silence. It is not about forcing the mind to be quiet, but rather about finding the silence and clarity that are already there and making them a part of your life. Meditation is a great skill and tool for receiving physical, mental, and emotional benefits (such as stress release, increased memory, better quality of sleep, and improved mood). It is also a pathway to a lifetime of abundance and fulfillment.


Affirmations and intentions are concise, conscious statements that have the power to change our lives. The words we speak and think hold pivotal role in creating the life we desire for ourselves. It is thus imperative to learn how to mindfully frame potent affirmations and intentions and incorporate them into your daily practice.


Yogic breathing exercises (or Pranayama in Sanskrit) are an important part of our wellness toolkit. Our breath both mirrors and affects our state of mind and is the simplest tool, that is always available to us, for grounding and being in the present moment. In the Yogic tradition of India, Pranayama is used to settle the bodymind in preparation for meditation.


Meditation in its essence is the practice of present moment awareness and over time, it also cultivates witnessing awareness. Awareness is the greatest agent for change. Setting ourselves free of old conditioning and thought patterns can only happen in the realm of awareness, when we transcend thought level.


Primordial Sound Meditation

Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM) is a powerful practice that takes you on a journey into the stillness and silence within. It is recommended for anyone who wishes to enjoy deeper peace, freedom of spirit, and mastery of life. PSM is a process of returning to the memory of wholeness and the uncovering of the silence that has always been there, within us.

Inner Wisdom

Inner Wisdom Awakening is an inward journey of healing and self-transformation. This series of sessions consists of wisdom teachings and practical tools that empower you to let go of that which no longer serves you, ultimately enabling you to reconnect with your true self, reawaken your inner wisdom, and unfold your infinite potential.

Meditation for Stress Management & More

Stress is not an external circumstance but our own response—physical, mental, or emotional—to a challenge, demand, or anything else that requires us to adjust or adapt. Meditation is the antidote to stress. It improves our health, relationships, and overall wellbeing and brings our sense of calm and purpose back into our lives.

Meditation for the Workplace

Stress and burnout thrive in the workplace. Since meditation relieves accumulated stress and nurtures inner calm and the state of restful awareness, it can substantially decrease work-related stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also a great tool to enhance learning and focusing abilities, creativity, problem solving, and interpersonal skills.


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Maya Bitton is the founder of Monsoon Maya Meditation and creator of the Inner Wisdom Awakening journey. She is a mother of two, Chopra-certified instructor, writer, and licensed attorney in California and Israel. Passionate about sharing the gift of meditation with others, Maya considers it her mission and part of her commitment to a better world.

I invite you to embark on the M`A`Y`A journey and reframe your relationship with yourself and the world, reawaken your inner wisdom, transform your life, and unfold your infinite potential.
